The Bourbon Room

James Byous


James Byous 

At 17 James Byous moved to Los Angeles to attend acting school but he really just wanted to be in a rock band. He played every street corner, open mic, and pay-to-play venue up and down the strip in Hollywood until his fingers bled and his money ran out. After graduating acting school James decided to focus on music for the next couple years. He couch surfed, hitch-hiked, busked, and lived in a van to try and make music his career. After trying out for a role in a For The Record series, James became a staple of the LA musical theater scene and performed as various iconic movie characters all over the country at casinos, nightclubs, theaters, and cruise ships. After a year at sea, he hitchhiked across the country with his guitar and worked for a year at a drug rehabilitation center helping addicts to recover sobriety. James was one of the leads of the 2018 Netflix original series “Westside.” His original Rock Opera “Jimi Darkness: Alcoholic Superhero” is his foray into writing musicals. 

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